General Audience

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

Our diseases tell a story, not just about our cells, but about ourselves and our personal histories. Discover how our biography becomes our biology. Learn how to listen for symptoms and inner wisdom using mindbody therapies of guided imagery, meditation and psychotherapy to discover the message and meaning hidden inside pain and symptoms. Learn how to cultivate and awaken qualities and ways of being that lead into the heart of healing. The mind can be a healer and the mind can be

Happiness Through Meditation Workshop

In this practical and experiential talk, Dr. Paul Epstein will discuss mindfulness, stress and the mind-body connection. A study from the American Academy of Family Physicians states that “up to 80% of visits to the family doctor are for stress related symptoms.” Enhance your personal health by learning effective tools and strategies for dealing with stress by integrating mindfulness meditation into your life.

Click HERE to view the course flyer.

Natural Medicine: A Whole Person Approach to Common Health Concerns

Natural Therapies, mind-body medicine and a whole person natural healing approach for people with a wide range of health concerns, symptoms and conditions.


Natural healing for diseases such as chronic pain, arthritis, digestive difficulties, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn and acid reflux, fibromyalgia, sleep difficulties, weight issues, stress and anxiety, migraines, headaches, allergy, skin disorders, and more. We'll learn not just how to treat these conditions, but also how to improve health in general while preventing illness.

In the Heart of the Pain is the Healing

How can I be with my pain from a place of wisdom and compassion? How would this help me?

We can learn to relate to our pain in a new way, to breathe in the pain and breathe out compassion. Once we become "aware" of our story and are willing to listen, we can fully engage our inner true self, our inner healer, our compassionate heart, our 'Bodhicitta.'

Listening to Your Symptoms: Finding Your Self-Healer with Guided Imagery

If my symptom, issue, or pain has a meaning, what might that be? Am I willing to listen with the ears of my heart to the other voices of myself speaking?  

You will be guided to look inside and dialogue with your symptom and your inner self-healer.

Healing is the experience of wholeness and involves embracing and re-membering of all your wounded parts, healing your relationship with your self.

From Age-ing to Sage-ing

Choose to Expand Your Vision of Growing Older.  Growing Younger while Growing Older - moment by moment. Learning how to expand your consciousness to meet your extended life span with peace, joy, healing, happiness, passion, compassion and adventure!

Attitude matters, and it's your choice how you experience growing older.

I will draw from a variety of disciplines in this discussion and experiential teaching exploring the experience of growing old and growing young.

How to Work with Pain and Difficulty of Body, Mind and Spirit

A practical class to learn how to be with pain and difficulty in a way that is healing with wisdom and compassion and humor.  Practice mind-body skills and learn how to go from pain to "singing in the rain."

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change....even pain.

Explore the liberating experience of facing painful truth vs always only trying to get rid of it. There is another more effective approach. Learn to see with new eyes. Let's face the music and dance.

Working with Pain and Difficult Emotions

"All neurosis is a substitute for legitimate suffering" ~ Carl Jung


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