Dr. Paul Epstein is a Naturopathic Physician specializing in Integrative Mind-Body Medicine, helping people with stress and immune related disorders affecting their bodies, minds, hearts and spirit. Practicing as a healing coach, teacher and therapist as well as a physician prescribing the right natural medicines, Dr. Epstein integrates people's attitudes, belief's, stresses, lifestyle, life-story/biography and emotions in the healing process, while empowering and engaging people to more consciously participate in their healing journey.
The knowledge that 'all healing is self-healing’ guides Dr. Epstein. He integrates natural therapies of diet, nutrition and vitamin/mineral supplementation, herbal and homeopathic medicine, with mind-body therapies of clinical guided imagery, mindfulness meditation, Buddhist psychology, psychological counseling, lifestyle counseling and internal family systems therapy — all in a context of relationship centered care and whole person medicine. Dr. Epstein views symptoms as having a meaning and a message and illness as a vehicle, teacher and opportunity for healing and awakening.
In guiding and supporting people in their self-healing and spiritual journeys, Dr. Epstein serves as a teacher and healing coach, encouraging an engaged conscious awareness and full participation to find, access and activate the healer within. Under his gentle yet powerful guidance, patients are led to look within and face their truth while listening for the meaning, message and opportunity of illness. His focus and therapeutic approach is to bring his unique talent of helping his patients live the questions of where is true healing, how to "be" and how one's biography becomes one's biology. Dr. Epstein combines this path of openhearted inquiry with practical no-nonsense "what-to-do" directions to regain health. A true melding of the Yin and Yang of medicine.

“According to the American Academy of Physicians, 80% of visits to the doctor are for stress related complaints. To ignore the role of our lives and the stress that we are under in addressing medical conditions is to leave out an essential component that can guide us to the answer.
When I work with you as a patient, I treat the whole person. I don’t “check your life at the door” when you come to see me. I welcome all of you and all that brings you to this moment."

Kind crinkly eyes
Beaming smile
Greet me at the door.
I feel filled with love
Because you accept me,
All of me, just as I am.
I trust, and do not fear
For my vulnerability:
I am cradled by your caring.
Your concern for my healing
Protects me, keeps me safe
To find my elusive true self.
This poem was dedicated To Dr. Epstein by a patient
From a book of poetry by Joan E. Salzberg
Meditations on Love, Loss and Healing