General Audience

The Healing Power of Mindfulness Meditation

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, "Up to 80% of visits to the family doctor are for stress related complaints." 

Studies show that "mindfulness meditation" is a powerful and effective therapeutic tool in reducing stress and maintaining mind-body health. Find your path to inner peace and serenity, learn to build resiliency and connect with your true source of inner strength, health and well-being.

Meditation as Medication

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, "80% of visits to the family doctor are for stress related complaints." Studies show that “mindfulness meditation” is a powerful and effective therapeutic tool in reducing stress and maintaining mind-body health. Learn to build resiliency and connect with your source of inner strength and healing. Mindfulness is an important and effective therapy for pain, stress, and disease and promotes authentic healing as part of a “whole person” treatment plan.

Trauma Informed Healing & Mind-Body Medicine

The Impact of childhood trauma on health and disease is a hidden epidemic. Our diseases tell a story, not just about our cells, but about ourselves and our personal histories. Discover how our biography becomes our biology. Learn how to listen for symptoms and inner wisdom using mind-body therapies of guided imagery, meditation and psychotherapy to discover the message and meaning hidden inside pain and symptoms.

This course will explore the healing of trauma, stress & lifestye related conditions and chronic diseases with mind-body medicine and self healing.

The Healing Power of Mindfulness As Stress Reduction

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, " 80% of visits to the family doctor are for stress related complaints."  Studies show that “mindfulness meditation” is a powerful and effective therapeutic tool in reducing stress and maintaining mind-body health.

Intro to Mind-Body Medicine & Trauma Informed Care

The Impact of childhood trauma on health and disease is a hidden epidemic. Our diseases tell a story, not just about our cells, but about ourselves and our personal histories. Discover how our biography becomes our biology. Learn how to listen for symptoms and inner wisdom using mind-body therapies of guided imagery, meditation and psychotherapy to discover the message and meaning hidden inside pain and symptoms.

This course will explore the healing of trauma, stress & lifestye related conditions and chronic diseases with mind-body medicine and self healing.

Meditation as Medication

Mindfulness, Stress, Healing and Happiness.  The best of times is now, as you face life's challenges and experience life's joys!  Studies show that 80% of visits are for stress related complaints.  Our disease tells a story, not just of our cells, but of ourselves.  Through discussion, sharing, group support and learning the mind-body skills of meditation, relaxation stress reduction and attitudinal healing perspectives, this interactive class will help you focus on learning how to  face stress, pain and illness and live life in the present moment and find joy, peace, happiness and serenity

Mindful Healing: A Mind-Body Integrative Medicine Approach to Health and Aging

An original and leading voice in Mindful Healing, who enlightens, inspires and explains the concept of mind-body medicine, the role of stress in health and illness, how our biography becomes biology and how to use this knowledge on a self-healing path.


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